Current Students

Course Progress


Charter Australia monitors, records and assesses the course progress of each student throughout and at the end of each teaching term. Your performance within each teaching period will be monitored to assist you towards successful completion of the units in which you are enrolled.

Minimum Course Progress Requirements

Unsatisfactory progress is defined as not successfully completing or demonstrating competency in at least 50% of the units in any study period of a course. International students who do not achieve satisfactory progress for two consecutive study periods (terms) will be reported to the Department of Home Affairs via the PRISMS system.

Students can access their results and feedback via the Student Portal and also from trainers to show them their recorded results. Students can contact their trainer as soon as their results are available. Trainers are the first point of contact if students have any issues with assessments.

Early Intervention for Students at Risk

Students whose performance is deemed to be at risk will be identified through an early intervention strategy. Indicators of students at risk of not completing the unit satisfactorily include:

  • Not attending classes and/or tutorials

  • Not performing adequately in assessment tasks

Where you are identified as at risk of failure you will be counselled on academic matters and advised to access available support services. For more information on course progress and early intervention, please refer to the Course Progress and Intervention Policy and Procedure which can be found on the Policies page, or you can refer to Charter Australia's Student Handbook.