Fees Information

Fees are set and are correct for the current (calendar) year and are revised annually. Fees for future year(s) published on Charter Australia's website, whilst unlikely to change, are estimates only. Charter Australia makes every effort to provide up to date future year(s) fee estimates and to limit any changes, however, Charter Australia reserves the right to vary fees for future year(s) at any time.

Domestic Students

If you are an Australian or New Zealand Citizen or hold an Australian Permanent Resident (PR) visa, you are classified as a Domestic Student. This is regardless of where you have studied and what qualifications you may have.

International Students

You are an International Student if you are not an Australian or New Zealand citizen and you do not hold an Australian permanent resident visa. This is regardless of where you have studied and what qualifications you may have.

SWP Students

You qualify as an SWP student if you hold a working holiday visa and enroll in our exclusive Study and Work Program (SWP). This is regardless of where you have studied and what qualifications you may have.

Optional Fees

Optional fees cover non-essential goods and services provided to you, and please note that these fees are typically non-refundable.