Current Students

Feedback, Complaints and Appeals


Charter Australia highly values your feedback. Students’ views about their experience at Charter Australia provide valuable information in maintaining a successful teaching and learning environment and contributing to ongoing improvement.

Your feedback could be about:

  • Something that you think Charter Australia should improve
  • Something that you think Charter Australia is doing well
  • A positive or negative experience you've had at Charter Australia
  • Any ideas or suggestions for Charter Australia

Your feedback is always welcome!

Submit your feedback here.


Your time at Charter Australia should be enjoyable. You have the right to report problems, concerns or grievances regarding any aspect of your education or other related activities, which are within the control of the college and its management staff.

Charter Australia will ensure that your complaint will be heard, it will be treated fairly and appropriately and you will be informed of how your complaint or grievance is being managed throughout the process.

Charter Australia will not tolerate any inappropriate behaviour of any kind that will negatively impact on its students’ experiences. If you feel that you or another student has experienced any unfair treatment, bullying, harrassment or discrimination at the college, you should immediately contact the Student Support Officer who will mediate to resolve the problem.

Appeals Process

If you do not agree with a decision made by Charter Australia, you can lodge an appeal. You can appeal against decisions regarding:

  • An academic result
  • Suspension or cancellation of a your enrolment

You can appeal a decision up to 20 working days from the date of the decision. If Charter Australia decides to suspend or cancel your enrolment, you will receive a Notice of Intent to Suspend or Cancel Enrolment. You will then have 20 working days to start your appeal. During the appeals process, you will have the opportunity to present your case. When the appeal process is initiated, Charter will maintain your enrolment until the appeals process is complete.

Refer to the Student Handbook for more information about feedback, complaints, and appeals.