
External Appeals Procedure

Revision Date: 07/2018 by Charter Australia


These procedures apply to:
  • students who wish to lodge an external appeal or review
  • students include persons who are seeking to enrol into Charter Australia’s course(s) or unit(s)


The purpose of this process is to provide information on lodging external appeals or reviews. Charter Australia’s approach to complaint management

  • Informal discussion
  • Formal complaint or review of decision
  • Internal appeals
  • External review or appeal

Lodging an external appeal or review

  • All students are strongly encouraged to complete all internal steps to resolve their complaint before making external complaints. However, at any point, the student may decide to refer the matter to an external agency. If Charter Australia receives notification that a complaint under consideration internally is the subject of a formal external enquiry or legal action, in accordance with the Student Complaints and Appeals Policy, the internal resolution process will be suspended.
  • If a student believes that the outcome of their appeal is unfair or incorrect, they may lodge an external appeal or complaint against the outcome of the internal complaint or review process.
  • All students are encouraged to continue their studies during this process unless advised otherwise.

The National Training Complaints Hotline Domestic students can also seek an external review or appeal by contacting the National Training Complaints Hotline. Through the National Training Complaints Hotline, complaints will be directed to the relevant authorities, connecting consumers with the most appropriate organisation to assist them. The National Training Complaints Hotline is accessible on 13 38 73 (Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm nationally) or via email at Other External Agencies Below is a list of other external agencies which students can choose to contact directly regarding external appeals. It is recommended that students contact the agency or visit their website.

External Agency Link
Commonwealth and ACT Ombudsman
Anti-Discrimination NSW 
NSW Office of Fair Trading (Sydney) Centre
NSW Ombudsman
Commonwealth Ombudsman

Record keeping and confidentiality Records of all appeals handled under this procedure and their outcomes will be recorded in the Student Records Management System and will be maintained for a period of at least five years. This is to allow all parties to the complaint or review appropriate access to these records, upon written request to the CEO. All records relating to external complaints will be treated as confidential and will be covered by the Privacy Policy.