Refunds Due to Course Cancellation

Revision Date: 10/04/2016 by Charter Australia


This document covers the refund procedure in the event of a course cancellation (provider default).

This document covers a course cancellation which affects either domestic students or international students.


Domestic students

Step 1 If Charter Australia ceases to
provide a course, ACPET will send an enrolled student a Written Tuition Assurance Offer advising of the options available under
the tuition assurance requirements. The Offer will include directions the student must follow in order to notify ACPET of the choice they have made for each affected subject. ACPET will provide
this Offer within 20 working days after Charter Australia ceases to offer a course or operations.
Step 2 If a student accepts a place in a course offered by ACPET, ACPET will take care of the necessary arrangements to ensure a student is able to enrol in a similar course with another provider. The offered course will lead to the same or a comparable qualification without any requirement on the part of the student to pay the other provider student contribution or tuition fee for replacement subjects. The other provider will provide full credit for subjects successfully completed at Charter Australia.

Note: A student is not obliged to enrol in a course of study with a provider offered by ACPET under the Course Assurance Option.
However, if the student enrols with any other provider there is no obligation on that provider to offer full credit transfer for the subjects completed at Charter Australia or to offer a replacement subject(s) free of charge.

If a student chooses the Student Contribution/Tuition Fee Repayment Option, ACPET will pay the student the total of any upfront payments paid by the student for subjects the student has commenced but not completed.

Charter Australia maintains membership with the Australian Council for Private Education and Training (ACPET).

ACPET’s contact details:

National Office NSW Office Queensland Office Victoria Office (and Tasmania Support)
Suite 101, Level 1

126 Wellington
Parade, East Melbourne
VIC 3002 OR

PO Box 551

East Melbourne VIC 8002
1800 657 644 (toll-free in Victoria and Tasmania) (03) 94125900
Level 1, 66 Berry Street North Sydney NSW 2060

or PO Box Q1076

Sydney NSW 2000

1800 657 644 (toll-free in NSW)
Level 14, 46 Edward Street

Brisbane QLD 4000

1800 657 644 (toll-free in Queensland &NT)

(07) 3210 1628

Fax: (07) 3210 6347

Sutie 101, Level 1 126
Wellington Parade,

East Melbourne VIC 3002 or

PO Box 551

East Melbourne VIC 8002 1800 657 644 (toll-free in Victoria and Tasmania) (03) 9412 5900

International students

Step 1 Charter Australia will notify the Secretary of the Department of Education and the Tuition Protection Service (TPS) Director within three working days if Charter Australia defaults and notify the students in writing.
Step 2 Charter Australia will offer the student either an alternate place at Charter Australia or at another provider at no extra cost or refund the student’s unused fees within 14 days after the default day. If the
student chooses to accept an alternate place with Charter Australia, the student will be issued with a new Letter of Offer and Written Agreement. The student must accept the offer following the Admission Policy.
Step 3 Charter Australia will notify the Secretary
and TPS Director of provider default outcomes within seven days of the alternative course or refund being provided to the student.

If Charter Australia is unable to provide a refund or place the student at an alternate course, the Director of TPS will place the student in a suitable alternative course at no extra cost to the student.

If a registered provider of an alternative course offers the student a place in the course, the student may accept the offer in writing within 30 days after the end of the provider obligations period unless the period is varied by the TPS Director.

If TPS cannot place the student in a suitable alternative course, the student will be eligible for a refund as calculated by the Fund Manager.