Training subsidised by the NSW Government

Smart and Skilled 


Smart and Skilled is the central NSW Government program for vocational education and training (VET) and is also the vehicle for delivering NSW Fee Free. As a domestic student, you might be eligible for FEE-FREE training under the NSW Fee Free initiative. Please go to the NSW Fee Free initiative page for more information.


Qualifications Approved under Smart and Skilled

Charter Australia has been approved to offer the following qualifications under the Smart and Skilled program. These qualifications are available for delivery in the Sydney region:

  • CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support
  • HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services
  • CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
  • CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health
  • CHC​52021 Diploma of Community Services


Student Eligibility

Must meet all following four conditions:

  • 15 years old or over.
  • No longer at school.
  • Living or working in NSW.
  • An Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, humanitarian visa holder or New Zealand citizen.

To check if you are eligible to enrol in a course you can use the Eligibility Checker here.



Fee exemptions are available to eligible students who:

  • are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander (through descent, self-identification or community identification)
  • meet the Smart and Skilled disability criteria (proof of a disability support pension or documentary evidence from an appropriate medical professional is required)
  • are the dependents of disability support pension recipients.

Charter Australia's Policy Statement on the Smart and Skilled

Charter will meet its obligations under the contract with the NSW Department of Education to provide subsidised training under Smart and Skilled or any other funded program in place.

Charter will also make every effort to maintain its status as a High Performing Provider.

In order to meet these obligations Charter staff will implement all required procedures and protocols that enable our operations to meet the requirements as described in all of the following materials as currently published:

Smart and Skilled Consumer Protection Policy

Charter Australia is aware of its obligations to provide consumer protection for all students as designated in the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, the NSW Fair Trading Act 1987, the NVR Standards for RTOs 2015 and the  Smart and Skilled Consumer  Protection Policy. To ensure our customers are fully protected and are aware of their rights and of avenues of complaint we have developed a Customer Protection Strategy as listed below.

Charter Australia is committed to ethical marketing practices; we will not undertake marketing that is misleading, deceptive or of unconscionable conduct and will take extra care when marketing to vulnerable consumers who may be less able to understand what they are signing up for.

We understand that Australian Consumer Law applies to the following services all education and training services, including:

  •       advertising, marketing and promotion
  •       soliciting and taking enrolments
  •       training delivery
  •       student assessment
  •       handling of complaints by training providers
  •       requests to cancel a student’s enrolment.

Charter Australia also applies when these services are provided by Subcontractors and Brokers (referred to as Third Parties) on our behalf.

Customer Protection Strategy

The following procedures form Charter Australia’s Customer Protection Strategy

  • All information provided about training products and services will be accurate and factual.
  • We will not offer any incentives of any kind to encourage enrolment in a training product
  • Information about any Subcontracting and/or Brokering arrangements with regard to recruitment and training and assessment will be provided.
  • We will monitor any marketing made on our behalf by Third Parties  in accordance with our Third Party Policy.
  • We will not make any guarantees to the effect that learners will successfully complete their training program, obtain employment on completion or that a training product will be delivered in a manner that does not meet the Standards for RTO’s 2015.
  • We will inform learners before they enrol of any entry requirements. These will be published in our course brochures/information and on our website and may include English language proficiency or meeting particular licensing requirements.
  • We will establish that learners meet entry requirements before they can be enrolled and we will not knowingly enrol a person who is unlikely to successfully complete the training program. Circumstances that may limit a person’s ability to complete training include, but are not limited to, disabilities, chronic illness, LLN or English as a Second Language (ESL) issues, lack of internet connection when online access is required to complete training or the inability to meet any licensing requirements.
  • We will not enrol anyone in a course without seeking and receiving their informed and explicit consent.
  • All unsolicited marketing  such telemarketing or direct marketing at a location other than our premises (including door to door sales), will meet the requirements of the Australian Consumer Law.
  • Learners will be informed of any limited entitlement schemes that may impact them by enrolling in a training product. This includes where learners can only access one course in a limited time frame and where they may be excluded from funding for other training.
  • Learners will be provided with access to the following information prior to enrolment:
    • The Complaints and Appeals Process
    • The  Fee, Charges and Refund policy
    • Fee Protection
    • Their Rights and Responsibilities.
    • Arrangements if training and assessment services in which they are enrolled can no longer be provided.
  • We will advise learners as soon as practicable of  any changes to agreed services,  including in relation to any changes to relevant legislation, existing subcontracting or brokering arrangements,  new subcontracting or brokering  arrangements or a change in ownership.
  •  Any complaint will be treated as an opportunity to review and improve our service and will be included as part of our Continuous Improvement Process.
  • Written consent will be obtained from anyone whose photograph, testimonial, logo or work is used in any form of marketing or promotion.
  • All personal information will be recorded and stored in line with the National Privacy Principles. 

Smart and Skilled Fee Policy

Charter Australia is aware of its contractual responsibilities under the Smart and Skilled program with regard to the need to inform students of the fee and refund administration requirements prior to enrolment in the training program.

This policy is informed by the Smart and Skilled Operating Guidelines 2024 and the Smart and Skilled Fee Administration Policy 2018 and NVR Standards for RTO’s 2015 . 


  • Any fees to be paid by students will be confirmed on completion of the Notification of Enrolment Process and will be as calculated using the Provider Calculator. Prior to this the Student can access the Smart and Skilled website to check their eligibility and estimate their Student Fee.
  • Where applicable, the  relevant student fee as set by the NSW Government will be charged.
  •  Students who are eligible for, and enrol in, Part Qualification will not be charged a student fee. Students who complete part Qualifications and then enrol in full Qualification will be charged the First Qualification Fee or Concession Fee.
  •  Students will be informed regarding conditions for refunds prior to enrolment as part of the Smart and Skilled Student Information on our website.
  •  Students will be notified of any schedule of payments on completion of the Notification of Enrolment Process.
  • Any fee schedule will ensure that all fees are paid in full prior to completion of training and assessment.
  •  Student fees will differ depending on if the applicant has completed other qualifications since leaving school. Those who have will pay a higher student fee.
  • Charter Australia  retains all fees collected.
  • Where applicable (i.e. under certain Awards) the employer will pay the fee for certain Apprenticeships and Traineeships.
  • No extra fees will be charged to students under a subcontracting arrangement.
  •  Students will be entitled to three attempts to complete a unit of competency without additional cost. Any further attempts will incur a charge (see student handbook).
  • Students will be informed of opportunities for RPL and Credit Transfer prior to enrolment. This will include asking them to check academic transcript and referring them to the USI Registry  to check on previously completed units of competency. Student Fees will be adjusted according to Recognition awarded to individuals as follows:
    • at enrolment by using the Provider calculator
    • after enrolment by notifying the Department who will calculate the adjusted student fee; the fee will then be amended and the student informed.
  • Fees will be adjusted to reflect any RPL or CT and, if completed after enrolment, any refunds or adjustments to outstanding fees will be reported in the next training activity data file submitted to the Department.
  • Concession and exemption fees will be as set on enrolment and cannot be adjusted or claimed after a Commitment ID has been received. Evidence for concession or exemptions shall be retained as per the Notification of Enrolment Policy.
  •  Students will be charged the Student Fee as it stands at time of enrolment and this fee will stand for the entire period they are enrolled in the training program.
  • Information regarding any costs for expenses additional to the Smart and Skilled mandated Student Fee will be made available to students prior to enrolment by publishing on our website and in course information. Receipts will be provided to the payee for any additional payments. Circumstances which may incur additional expenses include:
    • Essential equipment or textbooks – equipment or text books purchased to complete training and retained by the student on completion.
    • Optional charge:  students may be charged for an item that is not essential for the completion of training.
    • Optional charge for an alternative form of access to an item or service that is an essential component of the training, but is otherwise made readily available.
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who meet the  disability requirements and students of refugee or asylum seeker status are exempt from fees for all enrolments in all training courses under Smart and Skilled.
  • Students will be notified as soon as practical after any change occurs that may affect the course services being provided. This includes changes of significant impact including:
    • Any change to or new third party arrangements put in place
    • A change in ownership of the RTO entity.
  • In all cases where a third party arrangement is in place, the third party will not collect any student fees or make any additional charges.

Fee Protection

Charter Austria is aware of its obligation as a Registered Training Organisation to protect student fees paid in advance. 

Recovery of Fees

If fees are not paid in full by the end of course delivery as per the payment schedule supplied at enrolment no Certificate will be issued and in certain circumstances we may refer the debt to a Debt Collection Agency.

Record Keeping

All records of enrolments and all related financial transactions including Funding Claims are maintained in the Accounting Software and Student Management System.

Smart and Skilled CPD Policy

Charter Australia understands that strong capability in teaching and leadership is central to developing quality systems of training and assessment and is committed to ensuring continuing professional development of key staff and management involved in the delivery of VET and the Smart and Skilled Program.

We are aware that The NSW Department of Education may identify professional development needs at an audit or through other avenues and understand that we have a contractual obligation to ensure that requirements are met.

This Policy complements, and is additional to, the Charter Australia Staff Professional Development and Performance Management Policies.

Staff to which this policy applies:

  • Trainers
  • Assessors
  • Administration Personnel
  • Managers and relevant Program Coordinators. 

CPD Procedures

Continuing Professional Development of Smart and Skilled staff will be as identified in a Staff Professional Development Plan.

In developing the plan consideration will be given to needs of individual staff as well as the business requirements of the RTO.

Evidence of attendance at Professional Development activities and workshops will be supplied by staff (e.g. copies of Certificates of Attendance. Statements of Attainment, Letters of Confirmation) and filed with the Professional Development Plan on staff files.

Engagement and consultation with Industry is also a valid form of industry consultation; evidence should be retained in the form of diary notes, emails or minutes of meetings.

Professional development needs for Trainers, Assessors, Administration Staff and Management will be identified at annual Performance Appraisals. This will lead to the development of Professional Development Plans and implementation of practices to share relevant learning throughout the organisation.

Specific Smart and Skilled Professional Development requirements, as identified in the table below, will be implemented for relevant staff.

It is an essential requirement that trainers and assessor remain up to date on requirements relating to recognition and contemporary validation of assessment practices; therefore, all trainers and assessors will be involved in validation activities in accordance with the Validation Policy and Plan.

Smart and Skilled Teaching and Leadership Area

Professional Development Activities


Includes aspects of Learning Theories, products, process and validation of assessment


Includes assessment, theories, products, processes and validation of assessment

Smart and Skilled Contract Compliance/Continuous Improvement


Smart and Skilled Compliance Workshops

Continuous Improvement workshops under the Smart and Skilled Contract

Industry Collaboration

Includes activities to improve overall quality or compliance and industry engagement

The above table is taken from the Smart and Skilled Teaching and Leadership Policy.  

Find out more

Interested? Get in touch!

Charter Australia focuses on providing training that leads to employment. Our students learn practical skills and knowledge which are highly valued in the Australian workplace.