Student Support Policy and Procedure

Revision Date: 15/09/2019 by Charter Australia


This policy/procedure supports ‘Standard 6 – Overseas Student Support Services’ of the ‘National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities & Providers of Education & Training to Overseas Students 2018’ and Clauses 1.7, 5.4 and 6.1 to 6.6 of "Standards for RTOs 2015".


This applies to all currently enrolled domestic and international students.


Charter Australia is committed to providing continuous support to all its students so that they can adjust to study and life with Charter Australia, to achieve their learning goals and to achieve satisfactory academic progress towards meeting the learning outcomes of the course. This policy ensures that all students have access to support services for academic or non-academic issues during the entire period of enrolment at Charter Australia. The following procedures also ensure that students are made aware of the support available.


1. Designated Student Support Officer

Whilst all staff employed by Charter Australia has the responsibility to provide support to all students, Charter Australia has designated a Student Support Officer to be the official point of contact for students. The Student Support Officer will have access to up-to-date details of Charter Australia’s support services and is the initial and official point of contact for all students. Therefore, if students need assistance, they should see the Administration/Student Support Officer in the first instance.
Telephone: 02 9955 5881 (Office hours 9AM - 5PM week days)
Address: Level 3, 53 Walker Street, North Sydney NSW 2060

2. Orientation

An Orientation session will be given to all students enrolled in the qualification courses on commencement. It will be done via face-to-face or web-conferencing as appropriate. International students will have an Orientation prior to the course commencement date. The exact date of orientation will be given on the Letter of Offer. The purpose of Orientation is to inform new students of the various important aspects of Charter Australia and living in Australia. Students will also have the opportunity to ask questions. The Orientation will address issues including:
  • Facilities and Resources
  • the Australian study environment
  • Student visa conditions relating to course progress and/or attendance
  • Student Support Services
  • Charter Australia’s Policies & Procedures
  • LLN Test

3. Documented Critical Incident Policy & Procedure

Charter Education has a documented Critical Incident Policy together with procedures that cover the action to be taken in the event of a critical incident, required follow-up to the incident and records of the incident and action taken.

4. Student facilities & Computer facilities

Enrolled students are given access to free Internet, a variety of software, and printing and e-mail facilities. It is a requirement that all students have their own computers to perform online study and assessment work.
Photocopying and printing A photocopier and printer are available for students to photocopy or print their class and assignment work. (Fees apply, refer to Optional Fees table on Fees webpage.)
Kitchen and dining area There is a common kitchen/dining area in the school where students can have a snack between classes. It is equipped with a microwave and kettle as well as kitchen supplies. Coffee, tea and biscuits are provided for free for Charter Australia students.


5. Academic support services & Tutorial assistance

Trainers at Charter Australia can provide extra tutorial assistance if required. Students should see the Student Support Officer or their trainer. There is no cost to this service.
Provision of Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) assistance Because we aim at all times to provide a positive and rewarding learning experience for all of our students, Charter Australia provides a formal assessment of the student's level of English. Mathematics is also an important component of most of our courses. Additional assistance with these skills can be arranged if the student requires it.
Quality Training and Assessment All Charter Australia training and assessments comply with the standards of the AQF and the requirements of the relevant national training package. These standards are maintained through staff professional development, monitoring, industry liaison, internal auditing and both internal and external moderation.
Flexible learning and assessment Flexible learning and assessment provide choices to students on how and where they learn, how they are assessed and when and where the learning occurs. Charter Australia is committed to providing our students with the opportunity to engage in a flexible learning and assessment process. Charter Australia’s approach to flexible learning and assessment is to offer students a variety of learning and assessment experiences that may include but are not limited to:
  • Class-based training/assessment
  • Group discussions
  • Role-plays
  • Presentations
  • Interactive web-based training
  • Self-directed study
  • Research activities
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)      Charter Australia offers vocational courses at different levels and recognises that students may already possess the skills and knowledge in areas of the training. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the formal process by which the skills and knowledge gained through work and life experience and outside formal training arrangements are formally recognised. Enrolling students can apply for RPL for units of competency in the course they enrol in prior to the commencement of studies or during the first term in the chosen course by the end of the 2nd week. It should be noted that a shortening of overall course duration does not change the requirement for students to be enrolled in full-time study.

6. Welfare and guidance services Airport pick-up

Charter Australia provides airport pick-up services. Students who require these services must make prior arrangements. Students should contact Charter Australia for more information or to make a booking. Additional social activities may also be organised. These could include beach trips, meals at local cafes and restaurants, and sporting activities. There is sometimes a small cost for transport or admission, but students will be informed of this in advance.
Advice and Counselling Charter Australia will ensure that international students receive adequate orientation, information and advice on accommodation, counselling, health and welfare services, emergency response and assistance in accessing bridging courses or additional educational support. Students will also be assisted with transitioning to life and study in a new environment. Ongoing advice and referrals will be given on matters such as transport, accommodation, health and welfare matters. Students will be directed to external counselling if required. A list of relevant contacts and support agencies will be provided on request and is also available in the Student Handbook. There is no cost for referrals to counsellors or external support services and the first consultation will be covered by Charter Australia.
Opening a new bank account When students first arrive in Australia we can help them to open a new bank account.
Legal Services A range of legal services are available to students including international students. A list of resources and contact details is available from the Administration and Student Support Officer.
Assistance with complying with visa conditions If students are having trouble complying with the attendance requirements of their visa or in maintaining satisfactory course progress, they should contact their trainer or the Student Support Officer who will assist them if possible, or direct them to appropriate support.  If students are ill or are experiencing compassionate or compelling circumstances, they must report the matter to the Student Support Officer in accordance with the Attending Monitoring and Course Progress Policies and Procedures who will assist them.

7. Complaints and Appeals

If students have any complaints or wish to appeal against an academic result they should access the Charter Australia Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedures.