Study with us

Fees & Refunds for Domestic Students


If you are an Australian or New Zealand Citizen or hold an Australian Permanent Resident (PR) visa, you are classified as a Domestic Student and may be eligible for FEE-FREE training under NSW Fee Free initiative. Other certain types of visa holders may be also eligible for Fee-Free training. Please go to NSW Fee Free for more information.

If you are not sure, please contact us with your visa category and Charter Australia's enrolment team will advise you accordingly.

On this page:

Fees under Smart and Skilled Program (For eligibility, go to Smart & Skilled webpage.)

Course Name Subsided Prices
Duration First Qualification Second Qualification Concession
CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support 4 -12 months


Traineeship: $0


Traineeship: $0


Traineeship: $0

HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance 4 -12 months


Traineeship: $0


Traineeship: $0


Traineeship: $0

CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support 6 -18 months


Traineeship: $0


Traineeship: $0


Traineeship: $0

CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support with 9 units credits transfer 6 - 8 months -


Traineeship: $0


Traineeship: $0

CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health 6 -12 months $1,990


Traineeship: $0


Traineeship: $0

CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health with 9 units credit transfer 6 - 8 months -


Traineeship: $0


Traineeship: $0

CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services 24 months


Traineeship: $0


Traineeship: $0


Traineeship: $0


Fees for Full Fee Students

Click here for Fees for International and SWP Students (Student visa and working holiday visa holders). 

Course Name Duration Fees
CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support 4 -12 months $4,500 (3 instalments)
HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance 4 -12 months $6,000 (4 instalments)
CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support 6-18 months $6,300 (5 instalments)
CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health 6-18 months $5,950 (4 instalments)
CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services (General) 24 months $12,000 ($1,500 per term for 8 terms)
 CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care   12 months  $6,700 (5 instalments)
 CHC50121 - Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care  12 months  $7,500 (5 instalments)
Fees on credit transfer:
  • Certificate III in Individual Support, $100 per credit transfer unit will be deducted from the total course fee
  • Certificate III in Health Services Assistance & IV level courses, $150 per credit transfer unit will be deducted from the total course fee
  • Diploma level courses, $300 per credit transfer unit will be deducted from the total course fee.
HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Half-day $69
HLTAID011 Provide First Aid 1-day $129
HLTAID012 Provide an emergency first aid response in an education and care setting 1-day $149
Foundation Skills – Prepare for Vocational Training 2-day $250


Fees Protection Clause

According to Standard for RTOs 2015, Clause 7.3—Protecting pre-paid fees by students, Charter Australia will not charge in advance more than $1500 including enrolment fees, tuition fees, materials fees and any other fee component that is a mandatory payment for the course. Course fees will be invoiced for a maximum of $1500 in advance.

Refund Procedures for Domestic Students

Withdrawal 14 days or more before course or workshop commencement

  • The student receives a full refund of tuition fees.
  • Notification for withdrawal or deferral must be received 14 days before course commencement by completing and returning the Application for Withdrawal or Application for Deferral forms to Charter Australia’s Head Office.
  • An Application for Refund form is also required. If a student doesn’t complete the Application for Refund, the refund will be held on their account as credit towards a future enrolment.

​​Withdrawal less than 14 days before course or workshop commencement

There is no refund if a withdrawal is received less than 14 days before commencement.


There is no refund if a student fails to attend a course or workshop without prior notice.

Other Circumstances

A student’s tuition fees will be refunded in part or in total as the resolution of a formal complaint or grievance under the Student Complaint Policy. Students must complete a Formal Complaint form and provide relevant documentary evidence. Please contact Charter Australia head office before completing the complaint form.

​​General Refund Policies

  • Refunds will be repaid to the person who originally paid the fees, including employers or third parties.
  • Refunds will be made within 10 working days from the date of request or the date of clearance of the original payment, whichever is the later.
  • Administration will record the refunds in the Student Records Management System.
  • The Finance Manager (or delegated nominee) will follow up unclaimed refunds within two weeks.

​​Provider default: domestic students

In the event that Charter Australia cancels a domestic student’s enrolment due to provider default, students will be notified in writing and will be given the option to:

  • transfer their enrolment to another course within Charter Australia or to another study period; or
  • be offered a place in a similar course of study leading to a comparable qualification with another nominated institution, with: (1) full credit for the subjects successfully completed at Charter Australia; and (2) without any requirement to pay the new provider fees for replacement subjects (that is, subjects that the student has commenced but not completed because the subject ceased to be offered); or
  • request a refund of prepaid tuition fees for those subject(s) not yet completed and/or commenced;
  • requests for refunds of tuition fees will be processed within 10 working days of receiving the request unless a request to transfer enrolment to another course or study period is received from the student in writing during this period.

Refund Request Form

Click on the link to download a Refund Request Form