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Recognise Prior Learning

When you apply for Recognition of Prior Learning we’ll review your previous learning experiences – whether they’re formal qualifications or other types of non-formal and informal learning. You could get a head start for both entry into and credit towards your course.

Informal learning is gained through work, social, family, hobby or leisure activities and experiences. Informal learning is not organised or externally structured in terms of objectives, time or learning support. Informal learning can also take place through a structured program of learning, but it does not lead to an officially accredited qualification.

What you need to know before you apply

RPL is an assessment process that closely evaluates the relevance of your knowledge and skills to specific job tasks. It is not a substitute for learning – to be eligible for RPL, you must have direct experience in the job role performing the tasks that make up the qualification.

To apply for RPL, you will need to provide sufficient documented evidence to prove that your knowledge and experience are relevant and current. The evidence you provide also needs to be verifiable by authorised third parties.

Some examples of documentary evidence for informal and non-formal learning include:

  • Certificates and statements of attainment from courses which you have completed in the past, including information about the course of study
  • Results from other non-accredited courses from various education and training providers, including outlines of any units studied
  • Employment history and employment position descriptions
  • Letters of reference from employers, including direct supervisors, verifying your knowledge, skills and experience
  • Letters/documents from clients, verifying work activities
  • Copies of documents you have completed as part of your work
  • Details of community activities involving significant responsibilities
  • In some cases, students may be required to perform some tasks to further demonstrate their prior learning.

You can find more information and definitions of RPL in Charter Australia's RPL Policy.

How it works

  • ​The first step is to submit an online RPL Initial Assessment Application.
  • If you are deemed ready for RPL through the initial assessment, an interview will be arranged for you with an assessor. The assessor will take you through the evidence-gathering requirements. If you are deemed not ready for RPL, you will be provided with training options.
  • If the evidence you provide isn't sufficient for recognition, your assessor will provide you with guidance on how to close the gaps, which could involve direct questioning, direct observation,  requesting further evidence, and/or additional training.