Health Services

HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance

Course Code: HLT33115
CRICOS Code: 106805D


Studying HLT33115 - Certificate III in Health Services Assistance, Assisting in nursing work in acute care allows you to specialise as an Assistant in Nursing in the acute care environment.

Acute care is the term used for the care of patients generally provided in a hospital for short term treatment. This care is usually required for a severe illness, following surgery or as a result of an injury. This means you will have the opportunity to work in acute care facilities such as your local hospital.

Career Opportunities

Graduates from the course will have met the minimum educational standard for an AIN working in NSW Health in an acute care environment.

Careers opportunities include:

  • Health service assistant
  • Personal care assistant
  • Hospital orderly
  • Nurses assistant
  • Patient support assistant

International Students

We are proud to announce that the HLT33115 Certificate III in Health Services Assistance is fully approved and nationally accredited for international students. Please visit International Students page for more information.

We understand that navigating the journey of studying abroad can be challenging. That's why we encourage you to inquire through your preferred agent, or one of our authorised agent representatives. Our authorised agent representatives can guide you through the application process and can assist you with obtaining the Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE). Please note that as the education institution, Charter Australia is unable to assist with the student visa application to Australia.

To speak with an agent, please fill in Contact Us form, and a member of our team will reach out to introduce you to an authorised agent representative.

Intake Dates

Charter Australia adopts a rolling enrolment model. Domestic students have the flexibility to enrol in any week when a new unit of competency commences. International students, on the other hand, are able to enrol at the start of each school term. Please refer to the Term Dates for further information.

Duration: 6 months
Units: 15
Requirements: 18+ and LLN
Language: English
Work placement: 80 hours

Domestic Students Enrolment

Enrolment will take approximately 5–10 minutes.

Monday & Tuesday Class

Rolling Class | Mon & Tue | 9:30am-3pm

International Students Enrolment

Enrolment will take approximately 5–10 minutes.

Monday & Tuesday Class

Rolling Class | Mon & Tue | 9:30am-3pm    

Entry Requirements

There are no prerequisites or corequisites that are applicable to the units of competency selected within this course.  For Charter Australia’s minimum entry requirements, please visit Entry Requirements page.

Core Units & Elective Units

This qualification requires students to complete 7 core units and 8 elective units.

7 Core Units​

  1. CHCCOM005 - Communicate and work in health or community services
  2. CHCDIV001 - Work with diverse people
  3. HLTAAP001 - Recognise healthy body systems
  4. HLTINF006 - Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control
  5. HLTWHS001 - Participate in workplace health and safety
  6. BSBMED301 - Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately
  7. BSBWOR301 - Organise personal work priorities and development

8 Elective Units

  1. CHCCCS002 - Assist with movement
  2. CHCCCS020 - Respond effectively to behaviours of concern
  3. CHCCCS026 - Transport individuals
  4. HLTAIN001 - Assist with nursing care in an acute care environment (require an acute care work place)
  5. HLTAIN002 - Provide non-client contact support in an acute care environment
  6. HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid
  7. CHCCCS012 - Prepare and maintain beds
  8. CHCLEG001 - Work legally and ethically
Delivery Mode

Blended learning model combining classroom sessions, self-paced study, and work placement.

Work Placement

For this qualification, students must have completed at least 80 hours of work placement.  Charter Australia organises work placements for our enrolled students in an acute care facility.

Before undertaking any work placements in an acute care facility, students will be required, at their own cost, to undertake a:

  • National Police Check
  • Health screening & any necessary vaccinations, including Covid-19 vaccination

To attend work placement, students are required to wear Charter Australia’s uniform (included in the materials fees) and also appropriate black pants and black rubber sole footwear.

  • Assessments for the  HLT33115 - Certificate III in Health Services Assistance include:

    • Written Task
    • Simulation
    • Workplace Assignment
    • Workplace Journal
    • Practical Demonstration
Fees & Government Subsidies

Visit Fees Information.

This course is subsidised by the NSW Government, with reduced or no tuition fees for eligible students. To find out if you are eligible for government subsidies, please visit Are you eligible for subsidised training? 

Pathways to Further Studies

The HLT33115 - Certificate III in Health Services Assistance provides a strong pathway to become an enrolled nurse.

The units in this course may be used as credits twoards to the following qualifcations:

  • HLT54115  Diploma of Nursing
  • CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support
  • CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health
  • CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
  • CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability
  • CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services

Visit University Pathways for more information.