Health Services

Certificate III in Health
Services Assistance
헬스 서비스 어시스턴트

Course Code: HLT33115
CRICOS Code: 106805D


서티 3 헬스 서비스 어시스텐트는 병원에서 간호사를 도와 환자를 돌보는 역활 (AIN)을 배우는 코스입니다

의료 용어를 해석하고 적용하는 방법, 다양한 사람들과 함께 일하는 방법, 건강한 신체 시스템을 인식하는 방법, 감염 예방 및 통제 정책을 준수하는 방법, 직장 건강 및 안전의 기본 사항을 배우게 됩니다.지역 병원과 같은 시설, 응급 치료 분야에서 일할 수 있는 현장 실습 기회를 갖게 됩니다. 간호사에 관심있는 학생들이 짧은 기간 자격증을 따고 경력을 시작할 수 있기때문에 이 코스를 추천합니다.

Charter Australia는 국내 학생과 학생비자 또는 워킹홀리데이 비자를 소지한 학생을 포함한 국제 학생들에게도 이 과정을 제공합니다.

Career Opportunities경력 기회

이 코스의 졸업생은 응급 치료 환경에서 NSW Health에서 근무하는 AIN에 대한 최소 교육 기준을 충족하게 됩니다.

선택한 전문 분야에 따라 졸업생은 다음과 같이 일할 수 있습니다

  • 건강 서비스 도우미
  • 개인 관리 도우미
  • 간호사 조무사
  • 환자 지원 도우미
  • 요양보호사로 모든 노인 요양시설
  • 장애인 간병인


Intake Dates 섭취 날짜

Charter Australia는 롤링 등록을 채택합니다. 국내 학생들은 새로운 과목이 시작되는 주에 유연하게 등록할 수 있습니다. 반면에 유학생은 매 학기 초에 등록할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 등록 날짜를 참조해 주세요.

Duration: 6 months
Units: 15
Requirements: 18+ and LNN
Language: English
Work placement: 80 hours
ID 66517


Class Schedule Location Domestic Students International Students

Entry Requirements

There are no prerequisites or corequisites that are applicable to the units of competency selected within this course. For Charter Australia’s minimum entry requirements, please visit Entry Requirements page.

Core Units & Elective Units

This qualification requires students to complete 7 core units and 8 elective units.

7 Core Units​

  1. CHCCOM005 - Communicate and work in health or community services
  2. CHCDIV001 - Work with diverse people
  3. HLTAAP001 - Recognise healthy body systems
  4. HLTINF006 - Apply basic principles and practices of infection prevention and control
  5. HLTWHS001 - Participate in workplace health and safety
  6. BSBMED301 - Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately
  7. BSBWOR301 - Organise personal work priorities and development

8 Elective Units

  1. CHCCCS002 - Assist with movement
  2. CHCCCS020 - Respond effectively to behaviours of concern
  3. CHCCCS026 - Transport individuals
  4. HLTAIN001 - Assist with nursing care in an acute care environment (require an acute care work place)
  5. HLTAIN002 - Provide non-client contact support in an acute care environment
  6. HLTAID011 - Provide First Aid
  7. CHCCCS012 - Prepare and maintain beds
  8. CHCLEG001 - Work legally and ethically

Delivery Mode

Blended learning model combining classroom sessions, self-paced study, and work placement.

Work Placement

For this qualification, students must have completed at least 80 hours of work placement.  Charter Australia organises work placements for our enrolled students in an acute care facility.

Before undertaking any work placements in an acute care facility, students will be required, at their own cost, to undertake a:

  • National Police Check
  • Health screening & any necessary vaccinations, including Covid-19 vaccination

To attend work placement, students are required to wear Charter Australia’s uniform (included in the materials fees) and also appropriate black pants and black rubber sole footwear.


Assessments for the  HLT33115 - Certificate III in Health Services Assistance include:

  • Written Task
  • Simulation
  • Workplace Assignment
  • Workplace Journal
  • Practical Demonstration

Fees & Government Subsidies

Visit Fees Information.

This course is subsidised by the NSW Government, with reduced or no tuition fees for eligible students. To find out if you are eligible for government subsidies, please visit Are you eligible for subsidised training? 

Pathways to Further Studies

The HLT33115 - Certificate III in Health Services Assistance provides a strong pathway to become an enrolled nurse.

The units in this course may be used as credits twoards to the following qualifcations:

  • HLT54115  Diploma of Nursing
  • CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support
  • CHC43415 Certificate IV in Leisure and Health
  • CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support
  • CHC43115 Certificate IV in Disability
  • CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services

Visit University Pathways for more information.